Castle Legacy is a new online course designed to help realtors with investing and saving money. We were hired in a creative director role to oversee all the design aspects of establishing the brand. In the end we were able to really help launch their brand by providing them with entirely original branding, creating numerous graphical assets for their course, and designing (and then overseeing the development of) a responsive new website.
Project included:
Designing a new logo and creating a brand identity
Creating layout pieces, such as lead gens, a workbook and flowchart
Designed numerous pieces for social media, such as banners
Creating website design from scratch, including sourcing/creating any needed elements
Oversaw the website’s development from start to finish
Project Fact
Castle Legacy is a play on the owner’s name, and it provided us with great direction when coming up with a logo!
This project was made for and in collaboration with Evolve Global Marketing LLC, who hired us for the graphic design work and retains final rights and client ownership.